ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 Social Responsibility (SR); is an international standard providing guidelines for social responsibility, its goal is to contribute to global sustainable development by encouraging business and other organizations to practice social responsibility to improve their impacts on their colleagues, their natural environments and their communities.

A voluntary initiative, SR is an important tool to measure an organization’s social and environmental performance, by promoting ethical behaviour and activities to its stakeholders, and contributing to sustainable development.
This self declaration outlines Impact Innovation’s approach to the integration of the ISO26000 principles and core subjects.

Following the NEN-ISO 26000 2010 Guidance, Impact Innovation instigated a thorough company-wide review of the company’s policies and practices, to facilitate the implementation of SR throughout the organization, maximising the positive and minimising its negative effects. The resulting findings and recommendations were subsequently implemented, providing a commitment to be reviewed annually, with the aim of promoting a process of continual improvement.

The benefits, (both internal and external) of a good organizational performance on social responsibility can have a positive impact in numerous areas, including:

  • Reduced fuel consumption, paper use, and better waste management plan.
    It curbs and curtails greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to effective waste management programs, recycling, reusing and reducing.

  • Improved staff working conditions, fostering employee engagement by carrying out an efficient system of managing feedback and handling complaints. It emphasizes the rights of employees, their health and safety.

  • Improved gender equality, human rights, and any other issues which impact society.

  • Marketing and client engagement, favourable public perception with investors, owners and financial interests.

  • Improved reputation, with the increased ability to attract and retain staff, clients and stakeholders.

  • Improved external relationships with stakeholders such as governments, communities, the media, other companies and their perceptions on the organization’s performances and commitments. It enhances the overall quality of the service of the organization in a sustainable approach.

    In early 2021, Impact Innovation’s board agreed to adopt and subscribe to the following seven Social Responsibility (SR) principles:

    1. Accountability
    2. Transparency
    3. Ethical behaviour
    4. Respect for stakeholder interests
    5. Respect for the rule of law
    6. Respect for international norms of behaviour
    7. Respect for human rights.

This process involves all stakeholders, both directly within the organisation and its wider sphere of influence, creating a decision-making culture that encourages social responsibility from all staff and the company’s value chain; associates, business partners, clients, suppliers and the local community, where it interacts with the business.

The Seven core subjects of SR are:

  1. Organizational governance

  2. Human rights

  3. Labour practices

  4. Environment

  5. Fair operating practices

  6. Consumer issues

  7. Community involvement and development

The Board is ultimately responsible for organising and directing the affairs of the Company in a manner most likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its investors whilst complying with legal and regulatory frameworks. Our Board is responsible for the overall conduct of Impact Innovation’s business. It is the primary decision-making body for all material matters affecting Impact. It provides leadership and guidance and sets our strategic direction.

Our Board is ultimately accountable for:

  • The long-term success of the Company, having regard for the interests of all stakeholders.

  • Ensuring the effectiveness and reporting on our system of governance, including retaining oversight of its delegated responsibilities.

  • The performance and proper conduct of the business and ensuring a positive culture is supported.

Responsibility for developing and implementing strategy within the Group’s operations and for day-to-day management of the business is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who, as the head of the Executive Management team, cascades this responsibility through the Group. 

Due Diligence
: Impact's policies, (including Equality & Diversity, Ethics and Data Protection) now reflect the core issues and responsibilities of ISO 26000 Social Responsibility and will be reviewed at least annually, to maintain and where possible, improve the company’s performance.
Human rights risk situations: Impact has in place a Modern Slavery policy and this is reviewed annually to ensure the company is doing all it can to monitor and improve its performance.
Avoidance of complicity: Impact has policies and procedures in place, to cover all behaviours and interactions between employees and other stakeholders. The company promotes an open and supportive culture that means any person feeling they are a victim of a 'bad act' can feel secure in reporting and communicating their concerns to the appropriate person.
Resolving grievances: Impact strives to maintain & update the Disciplinary & Grievance Policy & procedures, as outlined in the company staff handbook.

Employment and employment relationships: All Impact employees are issued with contracts of employment and staff handbooks - outlining the company vision statement & values. Also included, is information on pension plans, personal development, holiday entitlement, absence, disciplinary & grievance policies. Impact is an Equal Opportunities Employer, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) records are kept and training is encouraged and provided.
Conditions of work and social protection: All staff are provided with a safe, working environment and provided with the tools, (office equipment, stationery and technology - both onsite and at home) to complete their work effectively. Impact strives to be an equal opportunities employer and ensures that the conditions of work and remuneration comply with national laws and regulations.

Sustainable resource use: Impact Innovation recycles all appropriate materials and waste, either internally, or via the landlords, Rombourne Serviced Offices. The company purchases from approved suppliers with green credentials and only prints when necessary. We are in discussion with our landlords to source a greater % of green energy, with the eventual aim of reaching 100%. Staff are encouraged to work from home a minimum of 1 - 2 days per week, and most meetings are held virtually, to save on car emissions.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation: Impact has an Environmental Policy in place, and is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

Anti-corruption: The company promotes an open and transparent approach to business and contracts. At the start of any new project the company will enter into a contract phase and include a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA), Conflicts Register and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MMU) with all parties involved. The Board operates and maintains an internal Register of Interests and new coaches are expected to sign a contract and Coaches Charter, which also reflect all of the above principles.
Fair competition: Impact Innovation pursues and promotes ethical conduct in all business relations and interactions, such as staff recruitment, suppliers, clients & competitors.
Promoting SR in the value chain: Impact Innovation strives to promote the values and principles of Social Responsibility to its business partners & stakeholders. We raise awareness of our SR policy with new stakeholders and associates.
Respect for property rights: Mostly IP in Impact's case. Intellectual property rights are relevant to our coaches/associates and the clients. Can someone give a statement on Contracts and IPR?

Fair marketing: Impact Innovation's marketing activities contain clear, honest and complete information about its products, services and impacts. All marketing output is reviewed for stereotyping information regarding gender, religion, race, disability or personal relationships. The company website was subject to a Gender Lens review, (2020) all conclusions and recommendations were subsequently implemented.
Sustainable consumption: Where possible, the company purchases stationery, inks and toiletries from approved sustainable suppliers. Glass, tins, paper, cardboard, plastic and certain food waste are recycled appropriately.
Customer service, support and complaint and dispute resolution: Impact Innovation's customer complaints procedure, and Equality & Diversity and Ethics policies are designed to efficiently and amicably resolve any complaint or dispute.
Customer/ consumer data protection and privacy: Impact Innovation's Data Protection Policy covers all contractors, consultants, partners, and anyone we collaborate with, or acts on our behalf. The information stored, complies with UK-GDPR 2021 rules.

Community Involvement: Impact innovation's staff & associates interact on a voluntary basis, building relationships with and strengthening the development of local business communities and charities.
Education and culture: The company is involved with various Third-sector projects and university graduate placements.
Employment creation and skills development: Impact Innovation's core business activities involve business growth & support programmes, creating employment and developing skills throughout Wales and the rest of the UK.
Technology development and access: The company manages various business support programmes and initiatives, collaborating with universities, institutions & businesses, to provide both the development of, and fair access to technology.
Wealth and income creation: Apart from the companies' business support programmes, that have helped to create, support & protect many thousands of jobs, Impact Innovation strives to purchase goods and services from local sources, helping to create and maintain wealth and income protection.

This Declaration was completed by Nick Fowler, and will be reviewed and monitored on a regular basis. Please contact us if you require further information.